Monday, August 28, 2006


Dream!! Live life!! When you dream with open eyes only then you enjoy essence of life. Dream.. to achieve what you want. And make it sure that your dreams turn out to be realisti...


What's funny in life is that sometimes we think too much. We think about every possible situation, about what we are going to say, about how we are going to say and about when we are going to say it. We think a lot about other's opinion.When we finally decide that it's time to say it, or when we are ready to confront the situation, it's too late. When we finally realize that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks except for us, it's too...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that, the passing thereHad worn them really...
RC Poems
Monday, August 21, 2006

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I knowHis house is in the village though.He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.He gives his harness bells a shakeTo ask if there is some mistake.The...
RC Poems

If you could...

I was thinking about a question that people are asked from time to time...If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?I am very shy, an introvert. There is one thing about internet. Shyness doesn't really matter here. But if I am meeting someone for the first time face to face it would be very difficult for me to look at or talk to them. Would I make myself an extrovert instead?Also,I tend to be very sensitive. So my...
RC Musings


To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.To weep is to risk being called sentimental.To reach out to another is to risk involvement.To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.To place your ideas, your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive.To love is to risk not being loved in return.To live is to risk dying.To hope is to risk despair, and to try is to risk failure.But risks must be taken because the greastest hazard...
Sunday, August 20, 2006

21 Things To Remember...

1. No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.2. Most people will be about as happy, as they decide to be.3. Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.4. Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.5. Success stops when you do.6. When your ship comes in, make sure you are willing to unload it.7. You will never have it all together.8. Life is a journey..not a destination. Enjoy...

Amazing quotes from The Alchemist...

This is my first blog..So lets start with some inspirational stuff..Whoever you are,or whatever it is that you do,when you really want something,it is because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.Its your mission on earth and all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.At a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest...