Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Free Christmas Coloring Pages

Free Christmas coloring pages to print for your kids and children. Download and get the print of the same. Now this page is ready for coloring. Enjoy your activity and let your mind and heart color it by own. Below you will find several Christmas pages to print and color. Santa, snowman, tree, gifts and other themes are available....

Printable Christmas Coloring Pages

Coloring activity is the most loving activity of kids and children who develop their knowledge and artistic skills by coloring pages. On this occassion of christmas, we have presented printable christmas coloring pages to value their hobby and holiday time. You can download them, print them and present it to little ones....
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Roadrunner Coloring Pages

Posted in Roadrunner Coloring Pag...
Unknown Roadrunner
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yu-Gi-Oh Coloring Pages

Posted in Yu-Gi-Oh Coloring Pag...
Unknown Yu-Gi-Oh
Sunday, December 14, 2008


Started with 'unity in duality'(still trying) , inspired from Yin and Yang after watching Mulan. Outcome was a tote...


Not that I want to promote sony ericsson! Just a try to make this ambigram, though it needs some improvements. Any suggestion for a better C-E and S-Y combination...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Caption not yet decided..

RC Art
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Something made me question ..

When will people understand that terrorism has no religion? Trigger: four different instants in a day.When will people be educated enough to understand that education is just not having a degree in hands?Trigger: two educated people talking about responsibilities of educated people, not realizing they are also among the...
Friday, November 14, 2008

Good one..

A lovely song from a cute movie...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just another thought..

Believing is beautifu...
Monday, November 3, 2008

Cool it!

'Your mind is like this water my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear'- Master Oogway(Kung fu Pand...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just wondering..

Why do people sometimes give unnecessary explanation when it is neither asked nor required? Does this avoid misunderstandings? Or does this make things look fishy? ...
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shubh Deepavali..

Bursting crackers, lot of noise, lights all around - a few synonyms for diwali- 'the festival of lights'. Ever thought about what is shown in this video? Before you burst crackers, think about these kids, some aasthma patients around you, pollution caused. Crackers are not the only way of experiencing joy. Diwali is a lot more than bursting crackers. Why not illuminate someone's life this diwali?Wish you a safe and wonderful...
Saturday, October 25, 2008

A walk across a cemetery..

Ew! I don’t like to talk or listen about 'it'. I had never thought about 'it' little more than a month back. Then by chance (was it just a chance?) I walked across a cemetery for the first time in my life. I wasn’t scared(reminded me of someone who is scared of ghosts and so doesn't want to visit a cemetery). It was a strange feeling walking across a place where so many dead people have been buried. Artistic tombstones. Beautiful flower...
Monday, October 13, 2008

The roadside painter..

I was walking on one of the busiest streets, in a land far away from mine, with a friend when we saw that some people had gathered to see something. We looked with curiosity what made so many people gather there. There was a beautiful painting drawn on the road. It was giving a 3-D effect. It was so beautiful that I wondered if this is what heaven looks like. He had kept two bowls in which people were putting money. There were a few other...
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Smile :)

Smile is one of the best expressions that God has given us. It feels so good to see someone with a cheerful smile. A genuine smile sets everything right. How about a smile in silence? They (don’t ask me who) say “If you smile when nobody is around you, you really mean it.” Have you ever found yourself smiling like this? I have! I was thinking about an incident in recent past and before I could realize, I found myself smiling. I wondered...
RC Musings
Saturday, August 9, 2008

The 3 mistakes of my life..

Reading '5 point someone' was not a bad experience, but 'one night at call centre' was a waste of couple of hours i spent on reading it. And now CB is back with his 3rd book(some people call it 3rd mistake of his life). I won't go into the detail of the story. A lot has been said and written about it already. When I read first few pages, i wanted to like it. Even tough the plot reminded me of 5.sum1, especially the struggle in life of...
RC Books

Be punctual..

'Problem with being punctual is that there is nobody to appreciate you.'Huh... Why is it that people don't value other's time? I mean, if you don't value your time, it is fine, no problem, it is your life, your time. But when it comes to wasting other's time, should one not be sensitive enough?...
Friday, August 8, 2008

10 things I am missing..

For the first time in life, I am:Away from homeExperimenting with cooking (and still alive!! Yippeeeeeeeeee!!)Getting up at 5:45AM on listening to alarm!! (now this must be really shocking for people who know I need a big, loud ghadiyal to wake up :D ) Life has become monotonous. I am missing so many things here. Top 10 in the list are:Momy, papa and grandmaMy brother and his crazy dialogues :DYummy yummy mom-special foodMy room Nonumonu...
RC My life
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

At last, I saw Kung Fu Panda!! Awesome movie. Predictable storyline, but it is beautifully directed and the dialogues are written in such a wonderful manner that in spite of predicting the story correctly, you will still enjoy it. Story goes something like this: A panda named Po is chosen by a wise old turtle, Master Ooguay, as the dragon warrior. This is strange as viewed by his martial-arts teacher, Shifu, and the Furious Five: Tigress,...
RC Movies
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Calvin says..

"In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks." ...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

YUVRAJ - Ambigram

This is dedicated to YUVI... No No.. Not the crickter Yuvraj Singh..This is dedicated to Raj Singh Arora aka YUVI of REMIX!!! :) ...

Smoking is injurious to health!!

I wanted to post this long back but somehow it skipped my mind. As you all know, smoking is injurious to health. Enough has been said and written about this, so I don't feel the necessity to write the same stuff again.Anybody interested in reading about the harmful effects of smoking, please read this or this or this .If you are a chain smoker, please take care that it can be annoying (read as irritating and suffocating) for people around...
RC My life
Thursday, April 24, 2008

First Horse Riding Lesson

RC Art
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

After reading Alchemist and The Zahir, I didn’t find this story too impressive, it’s simple; a girl gets a call from a childhood friend to attend his lecture. She meets him and the bonding gets strengthened. Then she comes to know that he has the ability to create miracles and cure people and he is now in the seminary. He talks about the...
RC Books
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lessons from a story..

"You can get used to anything." Read it in the book I finished reading today. Isn't it true? You can actually get used to anything and get over anything, no matter how difficult it might appear initially. It's just the matter of time. The pain remits.The same book has these lines:"It's important in life to conclude things properly. Only then you can let go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your...
RC Books
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just wondering..

Why is watching stars twinkling in the sky on a cloudless night so amazing...

I don't care.. Or do I?

I was thinking about something and said to myself "I don't care!!"The moment these words came out of my mouth, a conversation started between me and VOMIB. VOMIB is my closest friend. Let me introduce VOMIB to you all. It’s “Voice Of My Intelligent Brain”. The conversation went on something like this:Me: I don't care!!VOMIB: Oh really?Me: Of course, I don’t care. Why should I? I am not at all bothered about it VOMIB..VOMIB: Think once...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

CHOCOLAtE - Ambigram

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I like green colour n my mind turned out to be green too!!

Your Mind is GreenOf all the mind types, yours has the most balance.You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal...
Friday, March 28, 2008

DieSEL or PETroL - Ambigram

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I am addicted to this "shift+del" shortcut.. For those of you who don't know, if you select a file and press shift key along with delete key, the file is deleted permanently from pc without using recycle bin. From the day I have learnt about this shortcut, I never sent any file to recycle bin for deleting it permanently. I had never landed in any trouble until some 10 days back. A friend had given me more than 150 photos and told me to...
RC My life

Diesel Engine - Ambigram

First "n" in engine could have been better..Will correct it sometime later...
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Impossible is nothing -Ambigram

Friday, March 7, 2008

Random thoughts..

I go crazy at times.. Guess what I did just now? When I typed my password while logging to gmail, I copied the "*"s from the password box and pasted it in winword to see if it shows my password :D lol.. I don't believe i actually did it!!!!!Ich learne Deutsch!! I am learning German these days.. Its fun.. But the way we all make sentences is ......................amazing ;) I noticed that among the words that i have come across, pineapple...
RC My life
Saturday, March 1, 2008


A picture is worth a thousand words....
Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm in a VERY bad mood...

Oh yes... I am in a very bad mood today.. Nah.. Nah.. Not coz of work pressure... No doubt this was a very hectic week and I was desperately waiting for weekend, yet work isn't the reason I am ANNOYED.... In fact I like being busy.. At least i don't get time to think about anything else.. Wondering y i m writing all this here?? Stop wondering.....
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Engine- ambigram

This one was easy to draw....
Saturday, February 23, 2008


Life has come a full circle and I am........Another ambigram by me...... :)In case, you are wondering what an ambigram is, please read this and John Langdon's websi...
Friday, February 22, 2008

Sweet memories...

Yesterday, while coming back from office in auto, I started thinking about my first school and the first person I was reminded of was my rikshaw wala. His name was Prakash. We used to call him Prakash uncle. From nursery till my third standard, I went in his rikshaw. Actually, it was a baggi.. My classmates, Poonam and Anshul (I hope I got...

Yellow Roses...

I love colours.. This one is an oil painting on canvas.. and it is almost 8 years old!! Hmmm.... I should start painting again... After all, painting is my first love ...
RC Art
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why do they tell everything??

They are deeper than any of the oceans.. They are wider than the sky.. They contain millions of emotions in them like there are fishes in an ocean and birds in the sky.. They have water- signifying the purest liquid in world.. They have fire- the rage which can burn someone down to ashes.. When a mother looks at her child, there’s nothing comparable to the warmth in them.. When you look at your beloved, you feel heaven in them.. No matter...


Do you ever hear a song and feel that it is written for you???...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Everything in life happens for a reason..

Sometimes we know the reason..But sometimes we don't know what the reason is!And many times a reason doesn’t have a reason to be understood!!So in such a situation its better to keep quiet than to question! ...

Khwaish bani haqiqat..

I still can't believe it!!!! I had a wish which I mentioned here.... and it isnt just a wish now :)One day I happened to listen a friend’s friend playing guitar over phone and I was reminded of my childhood wish to learn to play guitar. Next day I started searching for a good music school. Fortunately, I found one and registered there... So now......... I am learning to play guitar :) :) :) I took a brown guitar, black was also good but...
RC My life

Do u agree with Hobbes??
