Saturday, August 9, 2008

The 3 mistakes of my life..

Reading '5 point someone' was not a bad experience, but 'one night at call centre' was a waste of couple of hours i spent on reading it. And now CB is back with his 3rd book(some people call it 3rd mistake of his life). I won't go into the detail of the story. A lot has been said and written about it already. When I read first few pages, i wanted to like it. Even tough the plot reminded me of 5.sum1, especially the struggle in life of...
RC Books

Be punctual..

'Problem with being punctual is that there is nobody to appreciate you.'Huh... Why is it that people don't value other's time? I mean, if you don't value your time, it is fine, no problem, it is your life, your time. But when it comes to wasting other's time, should one not be sensitive enough?...
Friday, August 8, 2008

10 things I am missing..

For the first time in life, I am:Away from homeExperimenting with cooking (and still alive!! Yippeeeeeeeeee!!)Getting up at 5:45AM on listening to alarm!! (now this must be really shocking for people who know I need a big, loud ghadiyal to wake up :D ) Life has become monotonous. I am missing so many things here. Top 10 in the list are:Momy, papa and grandmaMy brother and his crazy dialogues :DYummy yummy mom-special foodMy room Nonumonu...
RC My life
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

At last, I saw Kung Fu Panda!! Awesome movie. Predictable storyline, but it is beautifully directed and the dialogues are written in such a wonderful manner that in spite of predicting the story correctly, you will still enjoy it. Story goes something like this: A panda named Po is chosen by a wise old turtle, Master Ooguay, as the dragon warrior. This is strange as viewed by his martial-arts teacher, Shifu, and the Furious Five: Tigress,...
RC Movies