Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dragon Coloring Pages

Posted in Dragon Coloring Pag...
Unknown Dragon
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To cheer myself, I..

Take a break...Turn on my favourite music. Sing...Talk to an old friend...Smell fresh flowers...Go out shopping...Treat myself with my favourite ice-cream...Express my art...Drink lot of water...Make someone smile...Enjoy the sunset...Give myself a cheerful talk...Treat myself with my favourite chocolate...Try to cheer someone else...Pen...
RC My life
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love you Chimz!

Chimz is my childhood pal.Some facts about Chimz:I know him from the time I got the sense of being alive, the time when I started recognizing my house, my family etc., when I was barely a few months old.He is the first special friend I had.I talked to him after coming back from school everyday. Then I would listen to his pleasant voice....
Friday, February 20, 2009

My world! My world!

Had been trying to write something from some time but couldn't put it in words.But as they say 'A picture is worth a million words', this is what was in my mind.....

A try..

I am not too good at drawing portraits.. This one is my first serious attempt..  Around 30 mins of effort.. not bad eh?? Any idea whoz this...
RC Art
Monday, February 16, 2009

I've learnt..

..that there's nothing wrong in taking chances. Because no matter how you end up, you learn and grow with each choice you make.&nbs...


yeah.. strange! It's really strange to miss someone right next to you, isn't i...

I've learnt..

..that its easier to react than to think...
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Care Bears Coloring Pages

Care Bears Coloring Pages 001Since its debut in the early-1980s, the Care Bears have been teaching kids about the world around them and how they are supposed to act with others. It has taught generations of kids about caring, happiness and friendship.Care Bears Coloring Pages 002The Care Bears are a well-known television show that have taught...
Unknown Care Bears
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Christian Christmas Coloring Pages

Christian Christmas describes the whole story of Jesus birth, his parents and whole story behind his birth. Christians holy book 'Bible' has everything it it. For all christians who are eagerly waiting for the christmas festive holiday season can access these christian christmas coloring pages to present them it to their kids as a good fun...

Disney christmas coloring pages

Disney has come up with a special gift for little kids and children who will enjoy coloring these disney christmas coloring pages where their lovely cartoon characters are performing their role to look like santa, wearing santa costume, decorating home with lights, driving cart and many more. So feel free to download and color your favorite...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Barbie Coloring Pages

Barbie Coloring Pages 001Barbie was an original person; a human being. Her name was Barbara Handler and her parents were Ruth and Elliot. Her mother is the one that created the first Barbie doll, an inspiration from her daughter after watching her play with "adult figured dolls" as a child. The Ken doll was named after Ruth's son. The Barbie...
Unknown Barbie