Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today, in the bus..

I was relieved to see an empty window seat when I entered bus at 6:15PM and occupied it.5 minutes later Y came and sat next to me.Y started closing the window.I stared at her. Y stopped.Y: Can you close the window.VOMIB: Oh No! Not again. It’s so hot these days.Me: Stop cribbing VOMIB.Me: Yes, I can. VOMIB: Doesn’t mean that you will. ( I didn’t close the window :P)Y: Can you please close the window?VOMIB: Hello Ma’am, remember what you...
RC Funny

A jounrney..

Between those trees tall and green,Smelling the flowers and air clean,I walked..Afraid and anxious,And a bit curious,But, I walked..Fear of being lost,Was getting me on my nerves,Still, I walked..Sparrows were chirping and dancing,There was football in hands of boys munching,And, I walked..On those unknown roads,I saw a palace with swords,Yet, I walked..As I looked here and there,I sensed there wasn't any reason to have fear,I continued,...
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chak De Phattey!

"Hey! What does this phrase "exactly" mean?" I have been asked again and again, especially after the movie 'Chak De', and every time I had to come out with some weird examples. For obvious reasons I can't say, it means "Lift the wooden planks and pull the lever." Today, when someone asked me this again, I decided to do some googling.The phrase is: Chak De Phattey; Nap De Killi.Famous for his laughing style, Mr. Sidhu, has given a logical explanation for...


The cost is known; but the value...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It stays :)

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”-Maya Angelou quotes (American Poet, b.192...

Those 2 paranthas..

As I went to the canteen for breakfast on a sunny morning, I took 2 allu paranthas(?) and sat next to a colleague. Let’s call my colleague X.Me: Hi! Good Morning.X: Heyyy! Good Morning! Long time ha! Don’t see you these days.Me: Ya ya, usually I don’t come to first floor for breakfast, so maybe that’s why!(X stares at my plate, paranthas - to be precise, and starts giggling)Me: What happened to you now?X: Nah! Nothing.(X stares at the...
RC Funny
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A weekend with books..

“Hey! I read Anything for you ma’am by Tushar Raheja. I loved it! Read it when you have time,” a friend said more than 2 years back. Last Saturday when I was standing among 10000s of books, I decided to take this one. A bollywood stuff; and it kept me gripped! It’s about journey of Tejas studying in IIT-Delhi to meet the girl he loves, Shreya, who lives in Chennai; about his plans; his experiences; about how Mr. Fate intervenes and switches...
RC Books
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dumbo Coloring Pages

Posted in Dumbo Coloring Pag...
Unknown Dumbo
Friday, March 20, 2009

Christmas Candy Cane Coloring Pages

Candy cane are one of the most often seen symbol of christmas. The candy canes are not only sweet Christmastime treat but also a decorative piece highly used in cards, greetings, clipart, wallpapers, stationery, calendars, food recipes and other themes. The concept of candy cane came from hard white sugar made sticks often given to kids....

Christmas Coloring Sheets

Christmas gets with it holidays and lots of fun for little kids and children. The most funny activity is coloring. Students at kindergarten, gradeschool and preschool get these christmas coloring sheets to enjoy and learn more about christmas celebrations. Christmas snowman, santa, gifts, stars, tree, candles and other ornaments are highly...
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bratz Coloring Pages

Bratz Coloring Pages 001The four best friends: Jade, Cloe, Sasha and Yasmin, are about to start High School. Although nervous, they feel excited and confident that they will excel. Head girl Meredith Baxter Dimly wants everyone to belong to a group and goes about organizing people.Bratz Coloring Pages 002The original line of dolls has generated...
Unknown Bratz
Saturday, March 14, 2009

After 560 days..

Miss who-got-some-urgent-work messaged at 8:25 am and informed she won’t come, after, based on her input, I had told a few that I will. Miss who-went-to-doc ditched after I reached the destination. Hmmm! That’s why you should never rely on gals for an Alumni meet ;) 560 days is a long time!! The management had decided to call us and they...

Meine Verabredung

Der Platz ist bunt und künstlerisch;mit Kerzen lang und Blumen gefällig.Ich höre die Musik sanft und toll;und finde das Zimmer mit Menschen voll.Ich trage ein Abendkleid aus Seide;Es ist herrlich und farbig weiß.Ich habe Schmuck auch an;Ohrring schön und Kette gläzende.Schuhe habe ich den Spitzen mit;und tanze ich mein Schatz mit.Er trägt...
Sunday, March 8, 2009

A short story..

Aman is back with a short story. Don't forget to answer his questio...
Saturday, March 7, 2009





Football Coloring Pages

Posted in Football Coloring Pag...
Unknown Football

dark @ night..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Thursday..

When I got up in morning I thought that it would be another regular day today, just another Thursday. As I stepped out of house, I decided to make a note of all special things around me.It was 6:04 am. I heard a dog barking loudly. The sound came from the corner house in our lane. They have a dog. I couldn’t see it. Another one was growling...

Von dem Himmel

Fliege! Fliege!In den blauen Himmel fliege ich,und fühle mich himmlich.Fliege! Fliege!über den Berg fliege ich.Wenn sehe nach unten ich,habe Angst ich.Laut laut höre ich,Feuer und Rauch sehe ich.Normalerwise der Berg weiß ist,aber heute er schwarz ist.Was passiert? Weiß ich nicht,mein Augen sind feucht.Fliege! Fliege!über das Meer fliege ich.Wenn sehe nach unten ich,keinen Seemann sondern nur Schiff finde ich.Das Schiff ist kaput,ich finde...

I've learnt that..

..not only looks, words can also be deceptive. (from a conversation during which I heard this statemen...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What next?

Seems like WAYGM-bug has bitten the whole world around me!  Some of them think that GHM is the only possible solution now. Gosh! What will happen next?...
RC My life
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Of books and books..

Reading is fun! I had some books added to my list in past few months - not in the same order as below.The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga is the Man Booker Prize winner for the year 2008. He tells the story of an innocent mind that gets corrupted by money and even murders for the money. It is good. The description of the situation in villages is touching. Yes, it does speak about ‘the dark’ India but that’s how Indians in villages live. Contrary...
RC Books

He pulls them..

This one was clicked on a flyover in Amritsar. By the way, the word "rickshaw" originates from the Japanese word jinrikisha (jin = human, riki = power or force, sha = vehicle), which literally means "human-powered vehicle...

Is 'it' worth?

I fail to understand this! There’s this new style of talking on phone while driving by keeping the phone inside the helmet. Why don’t people take their life seriously? And fine, they are playing with their life consciously, but what about someone else on the same road who may end up losing his/her life because of those people who ‘utilize’ their time while driving. Can’t people act responsibly instead of giving justifications on something...

Right age!!

ya ya.. right age is what they say :(Are we Indians age-centric or is there actually 'a right age' for everything?&nbs...

A tight slap is what these losers deserve..

Female foeticide, dowry, injustice to widows, molestation, rape, harassment; and now getting beaten up for wearing jeans. And then one expects women to feel safe in this country. Being harassed on a crowded road isn’t something new to any Indian women. Step out on a road, and you have this feeling of being ‘watched’; no matter what you are wearing and how old you are. Read this article sometime back: "Irrespective of the dress they...
RC Women