Thursday, December 31, 2009

Frustrating Reliance “Customer care”

I took a new connection yesterday- surrendered my postpaid Vodafone connection as I found the charges too high compared to the existing prepaid plans. Except for the telemarketing calls around 3 years back, there wasn’t any other issue. Yeah, DND option works! Connectivity is good. Customer care executives are friendly on phone; though not happy with the ones in Vodafone stores. Anyway, there were just too many options. The...
RC My life
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Big Boss 3

The idiot box is flooded with reality shows these days. I know it is stupid, but I have been watching some of them lately (I am 'literally' jobless ;) ). Big Boss 3 is a reality show on colors channel. I didn’t watch season1, followed the last few weeks of season2, and then first few weeks of season3. Then I got bored and decided not to waste my time anymore. It is one of those ‘no entertainment-only nonsense’ kind of show. Somehow,...
Monday, December 21, 2009

Felix The Cat Coloring Pages

Posted in Felix The Cat Coloring Pag...
Unknown Felix The Cat

Tring.. tring..

Have you called someone who has never ever called you and got to listen ‘Hey! You are calling after such a long time! Very busy, huh?’Has someone told you ‘ok, i will call you back by XYZ time’ and then forgotten (sometimes, read as never bothered) to call?  Do you expect a call back when you call someone and the number is busy, and you know the person will be able to see your number in missed calls lis...
Friday, December 18, 2009


RC Art
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chicken Run Coloring Pages

Chicken Run Coloring Pages 001The title of the film is a play on words, since a chicken run defines a confined area where chickens are allowed to run outdoors and also describes the objective of the chickens to escape their predicament.Chicken Run Coloring Pages 002Chicken Run was to be Aardman Animations' first feature length production,...
Unknown Chicken Run
Monday, December 7, 2009

Bob the Builder Coloring Pages

Bob the Builder Coloring Pages 001"Bob the builder, can we fix it? Yes, we can!" is an opening line in this famous cartoon made for young children between the ages of 2 and 5. Moms everywhere can tell you the opening lines and probably more than half the songs sung on the show. Bob the builder is a terrific show for this age group. It teaches...
Unknown Bob the Builder