Thursday, April 30, 2009

Only the children know what they are looking for..

The title of this post is a quote from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. I had never heard about it till Anamika mentioned it a few months back. The book is said to be a ‘children’s book’- simple, short sentences, easy to understand, but after reading it I can confidently say that the message of this book is to be appreciated by us - the ‘grown-ups’ too. It is a perfect blend of fantasy and philosophy.Story:Saint-Exupéry is...
RC Books
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This Is Going To Hurt Just A Little Bit :(

I am filled with emotions which are difficult to express. “I don’t like it” I said it in the summer of 1992. “I HATE IT” I said it for the first time in the summer of 1994 and then repeated many times, each time wondering why do people play kho-kho. No no, it isn’t kho-kho that I hate. What I hate is… going to the dentist. I don’t have the patience to type the dentist saga and the kho-kho-dentist relation in detail. Well… I don’t have...
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mickey Mouse Coloring Pages

Posted in Mickey Mouse Coloring Pag...
Unknown Mickey Mouse

Elections time..

I had to do lot of homework before casting my vote for the first time. After casting my vote, I heard another voter saying “Vote jisko marzi karo, we know which parties stand a chance to form govt. Even if we vote for others, either they don’t stand a chance or they just join those.”And then I realized that the problem with casting vote for whom I think is the best is that I may still end up choosing someone who I think is bad. By the...
Friday, April 24, 2009

Arey Palle Kuch Pade Na, Koi Samjhaye ki Chakkar

Just some random thoughts.Some people, who are genuinely concerned about me, have been asking me from a few days: “How could YOU Pari?” and “Why Pari?” Few scolded; few were just too shocked that they were speechless. Well.. Pari doesn’t know why and when and how. All she knows is everything will be fine. She has crossed her fingers and hopes for the best. (Only)In case you have no idea what I am talking about, I didn’t study for my second...
Monday, April 13, 2009

Die Lügen

Verzichterklärung: Die Dichtung ist das Werk der Phantasie.Ihr wahres Gesicht versteckt sie,weil sie Geheimnis hat.Hinter eine bunt Maske ist sie,obwohl er sie sehr liebt.Sie möchte ihn sagen,dass sie lügnerisch ist.Sie sieht Liebe in seinen Augen,Ach! Wie wahrheitsgemäß er ist.Als er Fremd war,belügen ihn war schwer nicht.Wenn heute er bekannt ist,ist es leicht nicht.Sie hat Sorgen und Angst auch.Ihr ist es schwer, Wahrheit zu sagen.Trotzdem...

Santa Claus Coloring Pages

Santa Claus is the most funny theme for little kids and children to enjoy coloring. Its the dream of our little angels to meet Santa and get in close with him and share problems, gifts, wishes and lots of talk. So, what are you waiting for? Get through our free gallery of Santa Claus coloring pages to gift them as a task for their christmas...
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jem and the Holograms Coloring Pages

Posted in Jem and the Holograms Coloring Pag...


As you know, I love reading books; I like them or not is another thing. I must confess, lately I have been writing in a really clumsy manner about the books I have been reading. Last weekend I read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.Story:Bella, a 17 year old girl, tells about her experiences when she moves to Forks. Here she meets Edward, a really unusual and strange boy. I have learnt not to reveal the interesting parts of any book I write...
RC Books


Sooner or later,Now or ever,Morning or thereafter,Summer or winter,There's never a 'good time',To say goodbye.Softly or harshly,Slowly or loudly,Crying or quietly,Lovingly or madly,There's never a 'good way',To say goodby...
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Six Word Saturday

On Saturday early morning:I saw 'Dark Knight',it rock...
Thursday, April 9, 2009


They come from infinity..And sit in mind's vicinity..Some are indeed utile..Rest are just futile..What to do with these 'rest' of thoughts...
Saturday, April 4, 2009


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we are underneath it?," asked Piglet."Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.Piglet was comforted by this.-A.A.MilneSometimes this is all we need...

Six Word Saturday

Came across this cool game by Cate: describe your life in six words; and it is called 'Six Word Saturday'. Click on this button to know more. So, here are my six words for this Saturday:Mango rice, it was not nice.You can tell me about your life in six words too. If you like it be a part of it; and don't forget to thank Cat...
Friday, April 3, 2009


Why is the word 'symmetry' not symmetric? It will be nice if it is called something else using H,I,O and X, which has the same meaning as symmetry; such that it is symmetric(or whatever this other word with H,I,O and X) on horizontal and vertical axis.How about IOHXHOI? IOHXHOI is IOHXHOIic ...
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bratz Petz Coloring Pages

Posted in Bratz Petz Coloring Pag...
Unknown Bratz Petz
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We get to choose..

"I've lived for a very long time, Ray. And the one thing I learned - fate doesn't decide everything. People get to choose."-Mary Embrey in the movie Hancock (200...