Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

J.C. Leyendecker's cover for the New Year issue of The Saturday Evening Post...100 Years ago!...
Thursday, December 30, 2010

By the Power of Grayskull!!!

-By Dan dos SantosBetween 1983 and 1984, an amazing thing happened to U.S. television. Programs such as Transformers, Thundercats, Dungeons & Dragons, and Voltron were all released within 18 months of one another, forever changing the way a whole generation would think of cartoons.Being a child at the time, these cartoons had a major...

Sulphur and Dana

Post by Jon FosterWhile working on the Anne Frank storyboards that I mentioned in my last post, I also got the chance to work on a side project with Dario, a short comic called Sulphur and Dana. Dario was encouraging a friend, Steed Gamero, to flex his creativity through writing. With the help of Roberto Malini, the screenplay writer for...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Satan Factory

Gregory ManchessI was an early fan of Hellboy. Forget the comical name or the character himself. What grabbed me from the moment I spotted it was it’s graphic appeal. Mike Mignola designs his panels, pages, story, and dialog. They are impeccable and luscious. I want to linger on every page because my brain is always happy to fill in the...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010


By Justin GerardEvery now and then I get asked what I do for inspiration.Some mistakenly believe that I torment my sister's cat for inspiration. Others believe that I methodically hunt down and destroy endangered species. And still others suspect that I build giant robots and plan an invasion of Mars.I assure you this is not true. I like...
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Meeting your heroes

By John Jude PalencarMerry Christmas everyone. A few years ago I had the opportunity to stop by Andrew Wyeth's home. No - I don't know Mr. Wyeth personally but I did sit in his driveway with fellow Wyeth-nut and art instructor Ralph Giguere from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pa. (Great School BTW). I was a "Visiting Artist"...
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Season's Greetings!

from the Muddy Colors GangOur best to everyone during the holidays!Art by Gil ElvgrenArt by Norman RockwellArt by J.C. Lyendeck...

Merry Christmas!

In the spirit of Christmas, here is a nice big Haddon Sundblom scan. Haddon is most well known for having defined the look of the stereotypical Santa Claus that we now are all so familiar with. Click on the image and just look at the amazing edge control this guy displaye...
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Art School Worth it?

-By Eric FortuneFirst off, I'm not downing formal education. I'm just asking if it's worth getting into $120 thousand dollars worth of debt not to mention the interest for four to six years of college. Especially in our current economic state. So what does school offer us? Hopefully, teachers and peers who can assist in pushing us to...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Breaking In

by DonatoA few months ago, Jon Schindehette (the main art buyer/director) at Wizards of the Coast asked me to write a post for his blog, Art Order, about how I broke into the illustration industry ( I highly recommend Jon's blog for insightful, informative and vital information about not only breaking into the business, but also great advice...


By Jesper EjsingI will follow in the steps of Arnie and show, for this update, my studio space. I share a studio with 10 other artists. Some of them are children's book illustrators, others are comicbook artists and concept artists. One of them, Paul Bonner, is a fantasy artist like myself. Our studio is called Pinligt Selskab, which means...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


-By Dan dos SantosThe folks at WiP Podcast just posted a new episode, in which I partook.Check it out HERE.I have yet to listen to it myself, so I hope I didn't say anything I regret!If you're not yet familiar with the WiP Podcast, get with it, you're truly missing ou...

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

-By Dan dos SantosA few years ago I was asked to do some concepts for an upcoming Nicolas Cage film. That film is 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice', which just came out on DVD last month.For those of you familiar with Disney's 1940 film 'Fantasia', you may recognize the title as the same belonging to the scene where Mickey Mouse, a lowly apprentice,...