Thursday, March 31, 2011


by Eric FortuneFirstly, because the previous post kicks arse. Secondly, and most of you have probably been through this, I'm in the process of pulling an all nighter( if you're a vampire like John Palencar it's called an "all dayer";). Hooray! I've been eating small meals throughout the day as well as a short power nap here and there...

Eowyn and the Nazgul

Petar Meseldzija just posted a gorgeous new painting depicting Eowyn fighting a Nazgul, for which he had posted several progress sketches of a while back. Check out his awesome blog for more insight into his process as well as some detail shots.It's a pretty epic scene from one of the greatest fantasy novels of all time, so...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spectrum Selections

The list of Artists who made it into Spectrum 18 is up!Click HERE to see if you made it... Good luck!And for posterity's sake, here is a jpg of the final lis...

Crit-Submit #2

-By Jesper EjsingHey Everybody.I have been chosen to do the next round of critique. I am glad, and frightened. First I would like to say the corrections or suggestions if you like, is only examples of what I would have done different, and not necessarily true or even better. But since I also tell why I would change these elements I hope...
Monday, March 28, 2011

We're all dead.

-By Dan dos SantosIt is the year 2291, and Dr. Scott Van Foschessantos has unearthed a trove of paintings long buried in the frozen ruins of Old New York. Having already carefully excavated the site and transported the findings to his lab, the Doctor is using state of the art technology to restore these artifacts to their former glory....


by Arnie FennerSometimes we forget that we (whomever culturally "we" may be) don't have a monopoly on ideas and art and goofy what-the-hell? fun. So it's nice to be reminded that people in other countries get wrapped up in creating art projects (much like we all have) that undoubtedly get the stink-eye from their neighbors and encouragement...
Friday, March 25, 2011

Captain Bob

-By Dan dos SantosIf any of you have seen me give a lecture, you've probably heard me mention a man named Robert Cottle, better known as 'Captain Bob'.Bob Cottle was the host of a 50's puppet show called 'Ruff & Ready', which later spawned a spin-off show called "The Nature World of Capt. Bob". The show, which focused on how to draw...
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guest Blogger : TYLER JACOBSON

A short while back I had the pleasure of meeting Tyler Jacobson, who until that point, I had simply referred to as "That-new-guy-who's-work-I-keep-seeing-everywhere". In just a few short years, Tyler has managed to make the transition from a talented student with a lot of potential, to a well published illustrator, receiving this past...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Indian Coloring Pages

Posted in Indian Coloring Pag...
Unknown Indian