Sunday, September 29, 2013

Goose Coloring Pages

If you are a fan of Disney series, especially Donald Duck, you may remember a character that is called as Gus Goose. He is a lazy and hungry goose that is known to be the cousin of Donald. Right now, I actually do not want to talk about Gus Goose. What I want to talk about is a type of bird, which is no other else but goose.In the cartoon...
Unknown Bird
Friday, September 27, 2013

Hummingbird Coloring Pages

For students, hummingbird become the most discussed species even most of them never see this bird in real life. I remember when I was still a student, this bird in included in natural science class as an example of birds that eats nectar, usually, from flowers just like bees. Even the size of this bird is not as small as a bee still it is...
Unknown Bird
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fairly Odd Parents Coloring Pages

Fairly Odd Parents is another cartoon that I used to watch and I just love it. This series tells about a young boy named Timmy and his fairly odd parents, which are in fact a husband and wife too. Both of them always help Timmy in his life, especially when he has to deal with some problems including the ones that are created by people around...
Unknown Cartoon
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

MLP Apple Family Coloring Pages

Yeee haaaww, another MLP coloring pages is done today and this time, the big Apple Family become the main topic because I'm big fans of AJ. Not only as a fans of the cowgirl, this is my little second tribute dedicated for all pony lovers that I made for this month. Hope you all like what is shown here.Talking about Apple Family, off course...
Unknown My Little Pony
Monday, September 23, 2013

Pears Coloring Pages

Pears are fruits that you may already familiar with because you have met or even ate these over and over again in your life. Since it is so, it seems to be interesting for you to know something a little bit more different about these fruits. First of all, not all pears are edible. Some pear trees are cultivated only to be used as ornamental...
Unknown Fruit
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hawk Coloring Pages

In the category of birds of prey, it cannot be denied that hawk is so proper to be the coolest one. It has beak that can be used to tear its prey apart. Other than that, it has a sharp that can certainly look better especially in hunting. It may be the reason why there is a term; hawkeyed, which means someone with keen sight. Other than...
Unknown Bird

Quail Coloring Pages

Quail is a species of bird that, at a glance, looks like kiwi bird although it is actually a different species of birds. If kiwi cannot fly, quail is different because it can fly. If I may say, quail is a rather cute because of its physical appearance. It looks rather round and short and this look is just so cute. You can see it in the following...
Unknown Bird
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hello Kitty Coloring Pages

Hello Kitty may be a very famous cute cartoon character at this point of time. Even so, do you know that she is actually a classic character that was made a very long time ago? This cute kitty made her very first appearance sometime in the year of 1974. She is in fact a cartoon character that was made by Yoku Shimizu as an addition to the...
Unknown Cartoon

Stork Coloring Pages

For some people, stork may be a type of bird that does not have any special things that they do not adore this species. For me, this bird is simply special. First of all, it has two special features that can simply make it different from any other birds in all over the world. Those features are its long legs and also its beak. Other than...
Unknown Bird
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dove Coloring Pages

Dove and pigeon are two birds that often caused confusion in our mind. Let me give you a simple explanation that might help. Dove is in fact a member of pigeon family. The body of this bird is smaller and usually, it has longer tails compared to pigeon. Other difference that may help you identify a dove is that usually its color is white...
Unknown Bird